For me, principled is to be and act with responsibility. "Acting in accordance with morality and showing recognition of right and wrong" - English dictionary
We all love to get recognition from the things that we do, and it is important to do that when no one is watching. Like now, I am doing my homework without my mom telling me to. WE apply this in every class including math. When we have homework, we have to be principled to do them. Mr. Lettinga gave the best example. principled is to do the right thing, when no one is watching. Honestly, when I walk down the hallway, I do pick the trash I see. Not all the trash but, it is on the floor, right next to me, I would defenently pick it up. I do principled things like: helping my brother with his homework, and by that I kind of you know, set a good example through my actions. So he can do the same thing when he gets older. I also am principled by turning the lights off when I live a room etc. I have to admit that I do unprincipled things sometimes.. like chewing gum in class and sometimes saying bad words event though I dont even notice when I say them. I think that I have some things that I have to work on to be a more principled person.
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