I would love to visit France, Paris to be exact..... I've never being there and its the first one on the list of best places in the world to visit.
New York city is another one of them.... I went a couple of weeks ago and I just can't wait to go back. I love it there, the different people walking on the streets, the different air, I am to be the person who goes into every starbuck in NYC I love coffee.
3rd in my list is Puerto Rico..... I've never been to Puerto Rico but there is so much history there, I would love to visit it.
4th comes Aruba...... another place that I would love to visit, I love beaches and so I am sure I would love Aruba, especially on New Year party, I've heard of the awesome parties they have there.
5th is Los Angeles..... I want to go there so bad. TO see some celebrities, to be able to go on a limousine which is one of my dreams and to just have fun. I think its a great place to visit.
6th and last in my list is Las Vegas, but I am pretty sure I will like it better when I'm older... but why not? I mean I love lights, when I went to NYC I thought it was like Las Vegas without being in Las Vegas. So I would like to visit it very much.